Monday, March 3, 2025


This International Website For Suicide Prevention (IWFSP) is designed and held by Rafsanjan University of Medical Science (RUMS), Iran since Aug-2021
More than 800000 deaths occur every year by suicide. Approximately 10-20 attempts occur for death by suicide, making it a clear priority for societies around the globe. Suicide is the second leading cause of death in individuals aging 15-29 years old.
The most important goal of our website is to generally inform people about the rising concern of suicide in society. Many people die every year or becoming disabled through suicide and we want to have an impact on reducing this rate.
We also want to help experts and scholars all around the world to access to the most recent articles and sources about suicide prevention. We also aim to collect statistics and identify research priorities. We do our best to make a good database of books, articles, projects, maps, innovations, and organizations.
Reviewing the most recent active organizations and their projects helps scholars to get an appropriate point of view about what priorities in the field of suicide prevention.

“1 suicide occurs every 40 seconds. Make a change, spread love and hope! You never know who you could be saving.”

Professor Mohsen Rezaeeian

Professor of Epidemiology at Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences, Iran. He is one of the founders of the Iranian Scientific Society for Suicide Prevention and editor-in-chief of the Journal of Suicide Prevention. He is co-chair of the IASP SIG on the Development of Effective National Suicide Prevention Strategy and Practice.

Abdollah Rahmani

Master of epidemiology in Rafsanjan University of Medical Science. Expert of prevention and disease control in Kamyaran city. interested in epidemiology, mental health and suicide prevention researches.

Sina Hamzeh

Medical Intern at Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences. CEO of Medicalestan website. Interested in suicide prevention researches